Paradigm Shift with Sergio Halabi
Paradigm Shift with Sergio Halabi
Does this discovery point to a 120,000 year old advanced civilization?
If you go to Google Earth and enter these coordinates: 72°00'36.0"S 168°34'40.0"E you will stumble upon a discovery that shatters everything we know about ancient civilizations. What is hidden underneath the snow of Antarctica? Who lived there 120,000 years ago, and where did they go?
In this episode, I answer these questions and more.
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Hello, and welcome to a new episode of paradigm shift. The podcast where we explore truth through forgotten knowledge. I am your host Sergio Halabi. And the question I will try to answer during this episode is this evidence of a lost civilization dating 120,000 years.
Couple of days ago, I came upon these coordinates. Someone has sent me an email telling me to look into these coordinates on Google Earth and they attached an image, which I thought was so extraordinary that I was sure it was fake. So I just had to see the coordinates for myself. I opened Google Earth and I typed them in.
Now these coordinate. Uh, in the description of this episode. So I urge you, I urge you to go ahead and actually see them for yourself. Do not just take my word for it. So when I went to the website, put on the coordinates and lo and behold, I saw a face in the middle of Antarctica and the south pole. This face is.
From an area that is completely covered in snow. And when I measured it using the tool provided by the website, it turned out that this face is roughly 850 meters long. Now, when you look at it, you will see that the face can clearly be defined as a human. It has two eyes, a nose and a. And it has an elongated skull.
Now this elongated skull could refer back to a, a different species of humans. That is something I'm gonna cover in a different episode. Now, while it may not seem human to the naked eye, or when you first look at it, we can't speculate whether it looks human or more like an alien, you will feel like it resembles a little bit of a, of a.
Those aliens, the queer aliens, but it could also be a reference or taken into consideration of what early humans looked like back when first homo sapiens came into me. So now why is this face important? What separates it from other monuments and statues that we basically discover almost daily all over the world?
What. Special to start with its size. So this is a gigantic monument. We are talking a face that is around 850 meters long. This face is barely coming out of the surface. We, we don't see the rest of the, of the skull or the rest of the head. We do not see the ex. We don't see anything else. So it is safe to assume that the rest of the face lies under the.
And if we are to assume that there is a completion for this face, we also need to assume that there could be an entire body attached to this face or to this head. And if that actually exists, then we are looking at a statue or looking, looking at a monument that is cervical kilometers, long Sical miles long.
And this is unprecedented. This. Could be the biggest monument that has ever been found in history. We don't know anything about it. We are still not sure if the remaining of the face exists or if the body itself exists or not. However, its size is extremely large. Another thing that makes this extremely special is its location.
And this is. This entire episode is about the location of this phase is in Antarctica in the south world. Now historians and archaeologists have told us repeatedly over years of a centuries that no civilization has ever been to the south world. We have not lived in the south pole. There was no VGA coach, no indication that any civilization lived in Antarctica.
Not only did we not live there. Absolutely not choices of any civilization. This is what we are told, but this, the existence of a face in that location is a hundred percent proof and evidence that what we have been told is not true, could be that they were wrong. It could be that it has been a cover up.
However, the fact that a civilization existed around. A while ago and lived in Antarctica and built and left behind monuments and temples is shattering to anything we thought we knew about the history and about mankind in general. And why does this change everything we thought we knew we could say, well, we just found a new civilization that is on continent that we haven't seen before.
Why is this? So except. Why is it different than anything else? Why should we make note of this? Well, because Antarctica has been covered in ice since the beginning of the last ice age, which formed roughly around 120,000 years ago. So the last ice age occurred between somewhere between 115,000 years ago.
And it's melted around 11,700. Ago. This is a rough estimate. So let's to ground up the numbers. We can say around 120,000 years ago, the last ice age began. And by the time it melted completely to the beum that we know today that exists around earth. It happened around 12,000 years ago. During that time, most of earth was covered in ice and snow, especially in the Northern hemisphere, but also the south pole.
Now archeologists tell us that while humans were alive during that period. So we're not saying that no one was alive in that period. They were humans. They were homo SAPs in the end, the end with alls, however, they were nomadic societies. That's what we are told that prior to around 6,000 years ago, we were always.
Moving around as society, as we traveled from one location to another, we exhaust the resources and then we move to another location. This is what we known as the hunter gather societies. And what we've been told and studied is that around 6,000 years ago, mankind discovered agriculture and they became settl.
And that's when we settled in Mesopotamia, which is modern de Iraq and founded the first civilization. And that's when all the laws were. Religions began building of cities, building of monuments and temples. And so on that we can trace to today. However, even that now that cause of global warming and what's happening and the melting of the ice caps, we are now seeing more clearly that whatever is under Antarctica and all that snow, that there are formations that could not be formed from a natural way.
So I've shared before on my Instagram page pictures of a pyramid that is some. Under Antarctica. And now it's beginning to show. We can see the top. It's a ForSight pyramid that cannot have been formed through natural means it's not erosion. It was formed by an intelligence civilization. And now with this head, we can see clearly that there is of the civilization that existed before the ice.
This also aligns well with another theory, and this is how we can connect the dots between different theories that we have and how they all point to the same direction. So, a while ago I spoke about this map that was, that came during the Ottoman empire. It's called a map and this map was created by an amazing man doing the Ottoman.
Who said that he has based his map of the world on his own travels and voyages around and based on ancient knowledge that he was given that was passed out to him from various texts and maps and any other form of information that he got back and read from the days of the Greeks and the Egyptians and the Babylonians.
And so and so on before. So he compounded a map that you can also research and find for yourself it's called the map. And this map has something very peculiar about it and that it shows Antarctica, the coastline. Of Antarctica, but it doesn't show it the way it is now under snow. It shows it how it looks like beneath the snow.
And we are only able to understand that now because we have the technology to go through the layers of snow and map out what the coastline of Antarctica looks like underneath all that snow, which means that whoever made that. That exists today and is considered as authentic by every historian and archeologist alive.
And it is in Turkey, in a museum, in Turkey, in Istanbul, whoever created that map knew what the coastline of Antarctica looked like long before the ice age, which means that this information has been written or passed down for centuries and Len. From a civilization that existed prior to the formation of the ice H and this changes everything we know about our history.
Where did we come from? When was the first civilization made? Who did we make contact with when we were still primitive beings? Was there a more advanced version of man that existed prior to the ice age was. A civilization, not from earth that existed prior to the ice age, did this civilization make contact with a primitive form of homo sapiens?
And did they teach them agriculture? And did they teach them how to settle once this, the ice age melted did this civilization go into hiding for the 120,000 years and then showed up once the conditions of earth became habitable again, that ancient. Worship this civilization as de it is. And as gods,
these are the questions that a finding like this leaves us with the evidence that this face exists is untouchable. You can look and see for yourself. This is not imagination. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is living, breathing proof in. Us. And it changes what we thought we knew about where we came from.
So it is our job to take this information, study it more, understand what it means and then apply it to ourselves. And we can perhaps finally understand where is it that we came from? What is our place in the universe? And how can we use that to our advancement?
And I will end the episode on this as always. Thank you for listening. If you like more, please subscribe to my podcast, share it with your friends, share it on social media. Leave me a review on apple podcast, cuz that helps the show a lot. Also I started a merchandise store, which I will also. The link in the description.
If you can help me, if you can support the show that would greatly appreciate it. I also have an Instagram page paradigm shift experience where I go deeper into these topics, more visible cues as well. And as always, thank you for listening.